tipcc.js Documentation

tip.cc API Client

Welcome to the tip.cc API Client npm package!


Simply create an npm project if you don't have an already, and install the package.

npm init
npm i tipcc.js

Getting Started

Tip: Want to get started without an introduction? Check out our documentation.

You can create a simple TipccClient like this:

import { TipccClient } from 'tipcc.js';

const client = TipccClient(myToken);

client.on('ready', () => {
console.log('TipccClient is ready!');

myToken is your tip.cc API key.

A note on API values

The tip.cc API uses the smallest denomination of currencies, giving values in atomic units. For an explanation of how this works, use Ethereum's wei as an example.

tipcc.js uses the bignumber.js package to handle these numbers, and our API will return these in multiple functions.

For a in-depth explanation of BigNumbers and available features, check their own documentation.


To get your balance on tip.cc, use the WalletManager:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const wallet = await client.wallets.fetch('BNB');
if (!wallet) {
return console.log('No BNB wallet found. Have you received any BNB?');

`We've got ${wallet.balance.value} ${wallet.code} on our BNB wallet`,

console.log(`This is approximately ${wallet.balance.usdValue} USD`);



To receive transactions as events, use TransactionManager's events:

client.transactions.on('tip', (transaction) => {
const readableAmount = transaction.amount.value;
const currencyCode = transaction.amount.currencyCode;
const sender = transaction.sender.username;

console.log(`Received ${readableAmount} ${currencyCode} from ${sender}`);


You can also get a single or many transactions by id:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const oneTransaction = await client.transactions.fetch('one-id');
const manyTransactions = await client.transactions.fetchMany([

Getting transactions based on a filter is also possible:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const transactionsByFilter = await client.transactions.fetchAll({
currency: 'BTC',
limit: 5,

Using no filter will get all transactions for the bot/user. This is not recommended, unless you know what you're doing.

Creating (sending)

You can send a transaction to one or more users:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const transaction = await client.transactions.create({
recipient_s: ['discord-id-here'],
value: '0.1',
currencyCode: 'BTC',

const amount = transaction[0].amount;

console.log(`${amount.value} ${amount.currencyCode} successfully sent to ${transaction[0].recipient.username}`);

Notice that you can choose between using a rawValue or value when sending a transaction. The value will automatically get converted, while rawValue assumes you have done this conversion yourself.

Exchange rates

Use the ExchangeRateCache to get exchange rates:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const rate = client.exchangeRates.get('BTC');
if (!rate) {
console.log('The rate for BTC could not be found.');

console.log(`1 BTC is currently worth ${rate?.usdValue?.value} USD`);

This is also accessible on other structures, such as wallets:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const wallet = await client.wallets.fetch('BTC');
if (!wallet) {
return console.log('No BTC wallet found. Have you received any BTC?');

console.log(`1 BTC is now worth ${wallet.exchangeRate.usdValue} USD`);


The client provides caches for cryptocurrencies (CryptocurrencyCache) and fiats (FiatCache).

This may be useful when you need some basic information about a currency.

Getting a cryptocurrency:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const btc = client.cryptos.get('BTC');
if (!btc) {
return console.log('Could not find BTC in the cache.');

console.log(`BTC's full name is ${btc.name}`);
console.log(`BTC's explorer is ${btc.explorer}`);

Getting a fiat:

client.on('ready', async () => {
const usd = client.fiats.get('USD');
if (!usd) {
return console.log('Could not find USD in the cache.');

console.log(`USD's full name is ${usd.name}`);
console.log(`USD uses ${usd.format.scale} decimals`);


Feel free to check out our documentation to learn about our API and how you can use it.

Notice that the examples above are bits of code separated from each other. You can often use provided properties to get your task done with fewer lines of code by combining the structures explained.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


The authors of this package are not the authors of tip.cc. We are not responsible for any loss of funds caused by incorrect usage, bugs, exploits, or other causes when using this package.